Pineapple Treats

Today, we spent around 4 hours baking more than 200 of these balls.
We actually made it in ball shaped instead of tarts. It taste better and more juicy than those traditional tarts.
Time to try out my BALLS! XD
Sunday, 30 January 2011
6:43 pm
CNY 2011 Preparations
Tag boards are up ; blog is well organized ; scrolling text added!
To those who loves colours, too bad as this blog's standard test is monochrome. Anyway, hope all tags on my board and everyone should be contented with the message written at the scrolling bar. It's 100% made in MY BRAIN, except for the invention of words, html, etc.
Stay tuned as more and more updates are heading this way...
Today is a busy day as it's time to prepare for chinese new year. Right now, my family members are busy with their pineapples tarts/balls. Wow, they thought of stuffing jam into flour and calling them BALLS!! With 2 bags of flour, 2 bags of jam, and some eggs etc... We should be able to make around 200 BALLS! XD
Of course, i helped out with stuffing jams into those balls for 30 mins. HAHA
Special thanks to my father, who ran all the way to Chinatown to shop for snacks, candies, deco all by himself. However, when he returned I don't seem to see much things... =.="
Anyway, we might be doing carrot cakes too today. However, i don't love those cakes. They just taste like flour to me. I don't love carrots by nature.
Tommorow is school day again! Theres spelling test, chemistry test, and much more tests. This two weeks are busy days for me as everyday is filled with FUN tests!
Okay that's all for now. See you guys later!
P.S Happy Chinese New Year!
3:53 pm
2nd Day!
It's the second day since this new blog is published. Life still goes on for me anyway. The purpose for this blog is somehow going to link with my studies. I wish i can improve my English through writing blogs. Of course, i would read novels, newspapers, etc too. Hence, this blog will only contain 10% singlish.
However, while trying to improve on my English, my Chinese de-proved.
Before i end this short post, everything in this blog is done except for the popular chatbox. D:
Saturday, 29 January 2011
9:02 pm
Welcome to Darkest Night 2011!!
It's another new year, wish all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Anyway, a new year should have a new blog. I hope this blog would be long enough to cover my previous old dusty posts. If you can read this post carefully, you would probably know what am i up to.
Firstly, I welcome all to my blog. Regardless of whether it's your first time here or you had been here since long time ago, i should talk about the old history of this blog. This blog had changed it's skin 6 times. Which means it has 3 years of long history since every 6 months the blog would be renovated. I hope this skin suits everyone here. If there's any comments, feel free to ask me.
Secondly, talking about enquiries, there is still no chat boxes up. The reason is there's not much pretty time for me to start coding the box. The HTML of this blog is classic, old classic. To be more precise, i dunno why but any changes made it that particular html field will cause minor disorder to the arrangement of the skin. And yes, i am considered quite new to website codding. Anyway, i would fix it as soon as possible. If anyone insist on a box, i would shuffle all elements in this blog and position the box in the middle It would make a box with background of ugly un-coded words.
Thirdly, the music. The playlist had been carefully selected based on my likings. If you have any wonderful songs to share you can suggest to me and i'll consider placing it into the playlist. The list currently only contain around 9 tracks, don't be disappointed as it updates every week.
Forth, the funny looking things above each post's title. Very FUN hor? I can "see" some monkeys clicking and clicking, having to see those images changing must be a pleasure to your childish eyes. Those are surprising for me too. Currently, i never think of any function i should equip those "clickys" with.
Fifth, blog rules. The rules are not published, doesn't mean there isn't. I personally don't like rules, but if any actions of yours make hurts me emotionally, you will regret.
Sixth, what? you are tired of this? Too bad... The sixth point is about the graphics. Are those backgrounds, icons, favicons nice? Those are considered my artwork. Please treat them with respect, do not touch them with your dirty hands. LOL
Seventh, WHAT IS THIS? You should also notice a button with opacity 30% when rolled over. That's just my feed. I don't feel like removing it, dunno why.
Lastly, you should AT LEAST realise that this freaking long post only has one boring colour, GREY!!! Too simple? Still coding for colors.
That's all for now. Time to sound my HORN!!!
Friday, 28 January 2011
6:32 pm
Anthony To Yiu Kuen
Breeds Caught: 184 / 257
Event Breeds Caught: 34
Hunting Since: Nov 01, 2008
Hunter's Title: Lord (14 % )
Points: 43,503,462
Gold: 2,126,924
Horn Calls: 4350
Location: Catacombs
Region: Bristle Woods
Trap Power: 5016
Total Luck: 22
Weapon: Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery
Base: Gingerbread Base
Bait: 139 pieces of Radioactive Blue
Charm: 234 Power Charms
Mice Caught: 14223.
What do you expect from my profile? These Mousehunt info should make your eyes wide enough. XD
♥ Special Thanks To:
aellyniq ♡
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 ♡
Adobe Photoshop Extended CS5 ♡
Microsoft Office 2010 ♡
Photobucket ♡
Mixpod ♡
I wish to say "thanks" for the following people/software devs. for making this blog possible.
Help: ★
inspiration and bg transparency★
layout design: ♥
hosted by blogger